Saturday 28 May 2011

Crawford Bridge, Spetisbury

This impressive medieval bridge spans two streams of the River Stour at Spetisbury.  It has nine arches and was widened in 1819.

It's a lovely spot to stand and admire the pretty view
of the Stour and its riverside houses.


  1. Hello, I tried to leave a comment the other day on the posting of the wonderful St Cuthbert's church but obviously some problem with leaving comments at that time. This too is a very lovely post~ gorgeous , evocative photos~ It looks so idyllic and what one thinks of as a real English summer should look like. Thank you for all your photos and information. I look in regularly to see where your latest explorations have taken you. Happy exploring.

  2. Dorset Allsorts19 June 2011 at 03:18

    Hi Valkrye
    Sorry we didn't reply earlier to your comment, but we've only just discovered it for some reason! Anyway, thank you once again for your kind comments and we're glad you enjoy visiting our site and looking at our photos. It makes blogging worthwhile when you know someone is getting enjoyment from your posts. Let's hope our English summer returns soon so we can take some more nice photos!!
    Regards Karen and Nick
